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G.I. Joe X Han Cholo Collaboration
Client: Hasbro
License: G.I. JOE
Collection Type: Sterling Silver .925
G.I. Joe was one of my favorite cartoons growing up and making this small micro collection was a dream come true. When I knew I was going to make this I had 2 characters in mind right off the bat, Destro and Cobra Commander. Getting these characters just right was so important and I knew the execution had to be perfect. Needless to say, for the fans, this micro collection was a huge hit.
shot of the pendants from the han cholo GI JOE jewelry collectionshot of the destro ringss from the han cholo GI JOE jewelry collectionshot of the 2 pendants from the han cholo GI JOE jewelry collectionshot of the 2 destro rings from the han cholo GI JOE jewelry collectionthis is the banner for the GI JOE jewelry collection from han cholo