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Tron X Han Cholo Collaboration
Client: Disney
License: TRON
Collection Type: Stainless Steel
TRON can undoubtedly be considered one of the most iconic Sci-Fi movies of the 80's and maybe of all time. It was a ground breaking movie when it was first released and when given the opportunity to create a line for the revival film it was a no brainer to move forward. We wanted to make a collection that was clean, simple and fun Sci-Fi collection for the and old fans of the film and needless to say it was a great experience to make these pieces. For the release of the collection we had an epic TRON release party in the DTLA Arts District that featured the new pieces as well. The movie was full of inspiration for several different jewelry pieces and the Sci-Fi community. 
shot of the pendant from the han cholo TRON jewelry collectionshot of the pendant from the han cholo TRON jewelry collectionshot of the pendants from the han cholo TRON jewelry collectionshot of the belt buckle from the han cholo TRON jewelry collectionthis is the banner for the TRON legacy jewelry line from han cholo